Friday, May 4, 2012

And now...

This week Bear was off to a Stars Wars party.
Now boys I find are just not as easy to made things for,
so given the birthday boys interest in Star Wars I came up with this... 

A Star Wars pillow case which matches his other bedding.

And on a bright note I'm now able to do a bit of this again

Hooray it feels like a very long time
since my hook and I have been busy
( about 8 weeks but who's counting).

Very keen to get my ripple blanket finished
( its getting very cold) the end is in sight!!

Check out other creative spaces....


  1. Hooray for being apple to ripple again ... pillow case ... great idea

  2. Your crochet blanket is gorgeous. The colours caught my eye when I was browsing through our creative spaces. Cx

  3. yahoo! glad your thumb is feeling better enough to crochet!!
    see you monday!
